Az erdélyi állásbisztró
Program menedzser Sepsiszentgyörgy / Csíkszereda

Munkakör leírása

The Program Manager, in collaboration with Acting Managing Director and Musical Director, is responsible for overseeing the organisational and strategic side of Superar Romania’s programs.

Tasks may include:

  • Collaborating with staff to develop and implement a long term strategic policy for Superar Romania
  • Developing and implementing fundraising and marketing/communication strategies
  • Updating and ensuring the relevance of M&E procedures
  • Coordinating grant application processes, including design, submission and review
  • Coordinating course accreditation processes, including liaising with relevant public authorities
  • Ensuring relevant standards, procedures and regulations are abided by
  • Fostering connections and collaborations with stakeholders
  • Preparing and presenting progress reports on a regular basis, both internally and externally


We would love to meet someone who:

  • loves music and children
  • has tertiary qualifications and min. 3 years’ experience in business management/strategic development/ capacity building/fundraising/non-profit sector/project management
  • is willing to travel and has a current driver’s license
  • enjoys brainstorming and following through with ideas, applying research and critical analysis skills
  • takes initiative, is creative, self-motivated and highly organised
  • has high level digital and IT skills
  • displays strong decision making, time management, leadership, communication and negotiation skills
  • brings stamina, determination, commitment and adaptability to the workplace
  • fits into our unique team and wants to be part of the Superar journey for the long-term

Amit kínálunk

We offer the opportunity to be

  • an important member of a growing team
  • with flexible working hours
  • a child-friendly environment
  • negotiable salary
  • creative inspiration

Elvárt nyelvtudás

English, Romania and Hungarian (minimum C1 level)

Munkavégzés címe

Románia, Kovászna, Sepsiszentgyörgy ...

A cégről röviden

Asociația Superar is the Romanian branch of Superar International, a social music program based in Vienna, Austria, with branches in 7 European countries.

Superar uses the potential of music to encourage social change and build social cohesion by offering free, high quality music education to children, regardless of their background.